
Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer Project > Fall Project

The project for this summer was gardening and canning/pickling.
  • Pickled Green Beans per Gabe's grandmothers recipe. They came out real good, still very crisp.
  • Pickled Cucumbers per USDA Home Pickling Quick Pickling Guide. Did not add anything to make the pickles firm (i.e. Alum) so they tasted fine but the texture = no good. Gonna try to stomach them anyway.
  • Lot's of green tomatoes in the garden, and we are rolling into October, so it may be time to make Picklelilly relish.
With regard to the garden. We got a good number of vegetables, but our methods/timing needed improvement. Except the peppers, everything almost got killed at one point or another, or was not given enough room to grow.

For next Year:
  • Pay attention to when to start seeds.
  • Start fewer seeds.
  • Don't put plant's out too soon.
  • Do something different with the lettuce.
  • Fewer tomato plants/more space to grow/plant.
  • Strings for tomato plants to grow up.

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