
Monday, September 13, 2010

3D Printer Advancements

A lot more work on the 3D printer.

  • Learned a lot more about the firmware making the thing run. Attempted to get the Arduino Mega + Pololu Stepper Motors work with the Makerbot Extruder Controller, but they are just different enough to be beyond my current firmware capability. In the interest of getting this done in a timely manner, I've decided to adopt the complete Arduino Mega/Pololu Rep-Rap, schema.
  • Waiting for AD595 Thermocouple Amp to arrive.
  • Decided to abandon Makerbot Extruder Controller Board, gear motor. Different enough to be a pain to configure.
  • Continuing using Arduino Mega, Pololu/Easydriver Stepper Motor Drivers, AD595. Thermocouple.
  • Procured Parts: 12" Linear Stage, 1" Pitch Ball Screw, shipping.
  • Using existing limit switches for endstops, instead of opto endstop.
  • Procured X-stage Bearings, Rod, Shaft Supports, shipping.
  • Need to design/buy floating Y stage.
  • Need to spec pulleys/timing belts.
  • Need to Design print head adaptor.

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