
Saturday, October 23, 2010

GF Beer 2

Bottled GF Beer 2.  Didn't bother taking a hydrometer reading, since I didn't take one at the beginning.


Sweet, noticeable apricot taste, hops at finish. Doesn't taste like a traditional ale.  Not bad so far, but different.  Gonna let it rest for a month this time.

Probably going to retry the Oatmeal Pale Ale without the apricots next time...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cider 1: Bottled.

Bottled. Yeilded 11, 22oz, 10 16oz bottles.
Added 5Oz Priming Sugar with 8 Oz water.
Final Hydrometer Reading:1.0. ~9%ABV.

Dry & Tangy without being bitter.
Able to taste alcohol at finish.

I'm pretty happy with this first cider. I guess I'm happy with anything that doesn't taste like the 5 brand's I've had for the past 2.75 years. Depending on how GF Beer 2 Goes, I may add more apricot/fruit to the next one.

Not able to taste cinnamon that was added.

Side Note:
Tap water had strong Cholrine Smell. Definitely going to buy my own Water filter for brewing.

MUST: make device for cleaning/sanitizing bottles faster.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cider/GF Beer 2

Cider 1
Cider fermentation is finally winding down. Nice amber color, cloudy though. Will bottle Friday/Saturday. Only took ~18 days for it to settle down. This should be pretty strong.

GF Beer 2
Violent fermentation for first 3 days. Smell in the closet where the fermenter's reside was funky... makes me wonder if this will be my first train wreck. Starting to settle down. This beer will definitely go into a secondary for atleast a week.

Monday, October 11, 2010

GF Beer 2

Started GF Beer #2. Started as a English Pale Ale, decided to add apricot...
Bittering Hops: UK Challenger
Aroma Hops: Fuggles
Windsor Yeast
1Tsp Irish Moss
Apricot (1lb/gallon)
5 Cups Toasted Rolled Oats
  • 2 Cups roasted in oven, 200F 10 Minutes, 300F 10 Minutes, 400 F 10 Minutes. Opened oven several times to mix. Resulted with Mixed golden/brown. Allowed to rest for 1 week in brown paper bag.
  • 3 Cups Roasted in oven, 400F 15 Minutes. No mixing, yeilded dark brown oats.
5 Lbs Apricots (cheap kind from Trader Joes...) Chopped in food processor.

  1. Put Grains / Apricot in Muslin Bags (should have bought the big ones). Added 2.5 Gallons tap water to pot.
  2. Heated on 3 to 170 (about 1 hour.)
  3. Let steep for 15 minutes.
  4. Removed oats, left apricots.
  5. Added Sorghum Syrup. Brought to boil.
  6. Added Challenger, boiled for 60 Minutes.
  7. Last 15 minutes, added fuggles in muslin bag, 1 Tsp Irish Moss.
  8. Added contents of Ice Tray to kettle to cool down (perhaps this was a mistake).
  9. Added contents to fermenter.
  10. Went to Canadian Thanksgiving.
  11. Pitched yeast 6 Hours later.

Unknowns: exactly how much started in fermenter (Weighed 55lbs including the carboy).
Hyrdometer Reading.

Friday, October 1, 2010

GF Brewing Update

Bottled GF Beer #1. It tasted ok, almost how I remember an IPA tasting, it's been almost 3 years, so I'm not exactly sure I remember what these beers tasted like. Didn't bother taking any Hydrometer readings since I didn't take any at the outset.

Unfortunately, I think this beer has been making me sick. I was suspicious of the Corn Flake that was provided with the kit. I should have trusted my instinct on that one, and thrown it out at the outset.

Makes me paranoid about having contaminated my gear...