
Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer Happened

Not much advancement on the Arduino since the fall. Moving->Summer=Not A lot of time spent inside twiddling with electronics.
  • Spliting CNC Endeavors. I have accumulated a mini lathe, so I am looking to retrofit it for EMC2 CNC Controls, using Xylotex System. If that ever dies, I will probably go with and Arudino Based System, new advancements on GRBL.
  • Spent a lot of time trying to get my Makerbot Extruder/Controller, to work with Xylotex CNC Driver/EMC2. Abandoned because difficulty/not enough know-how to make work with Linux/Time.
  • Adopted Arduino Mega/Pololu Stepper Driver Method - better documentation,
  • Currently attempting to edit Motherboard/Extruder Controller to work with each other.
Current Challenges:
  • Connecting Makerbot Extruder to Arduino Mega - Have to alter the Firmware for both extruder and motherboard/pololu to make work. It seems I have just the right number of motors to make the lathe CNC, and the 3D Printer. Let's just hope they are strong enough to provide the right power.
  • No other Arduino Mega + Makerbot Extruder (DC Gear Motor vs. Stepper Motor) + Pololu Stepper Drivers, existing. More anxious to get the thing printing than ambitious to get into the firmware, so I am going to forgo for now.
  • Need Opto-EndStops.
  • Need to build physical machine - have held off on the machine, until I get the extruder working - but the extruder is getting close.