
Monday, December 14, 2009

Arduino and such

  • Been playing with the arduino a bunch lately. Mostly to read temperatures (MCP 9700), and control LED's and other devices with digital signals. Really simple stuff.
  • Bought a Velleman Relay control board, that can handle 110VAC 15A to control AC devices (stuff that plugs into your wall.) Picked up a wall socket, and scavenged a plug from an old fan. Connected one side of the plug to the wall socket; connected the other side of the plug to the relay board (NC), and then to the wall socket. Took a digital output from the Arduino, ran it to a NPN Transistor (though I think this was backward) to provide 9V to the relay board. Able to turn a light on and off.
  • Later added a Temperature sensor to the setup, to turn a light on when the temperature reached a certain value.

  • Bought an Easy Driver Board from sparkfun - though not exactly what I expected - need to determine way to count, and keep track of steps to determine displacement.
  • Really easy to setup - though I connected the motor wrong the first go round.

  • Been trying to build a BJT H-Bridge, unsuccessfully. I think the tranisistors I used needed more current than the Arduino could provide. Then Radio Shack screwed me.
  • Got some MOSFETS - built it backwards first go round - motor would pulse but not turn. Got to work, able to turn motor and alternate directions. Wouldn't turn as fast backwards as forwards.