
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Begin Drying

Started baking 170F - door open 1 inch.
The grains were beginning to burst through the hull.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Malting GF Grains Pt.3

Been spraying/turning the grains whenever they feel dry, there are plenty of chits now, some grains have multiple chits!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Malting GF Grains Pt.2

A little forgetful on the soak/dry times.
11/27/11 8:30 AM: Soak 2 Start
11/27/11 12:30 PM: Dry 2 Start
11/28/11 7:00 AM: Soak 3 Start  << Started noticing chit's sticking out the end of some grains!!
11/28/11 9:00 AM: Start Couching

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Malting GF Grains Pt.1

I started malting some seed Oats.  Started with 1 pound. Started soaking them in pot in the kitchen, and draining with the calender.

So far:
11/26 - 9:00PM: Begin Soak
11/26 - 11:00PM: Begin Dry
11/27 - 8:30AM: Begin Soak

Friday, November 26, 2010

GF Beer #3

Cleaned all the carboys, time to brew.
Filtered water (Chlorine smell is noticeable from tap water).

Dark Hoppy Ale
Roasted oats
Sorghum Syrup
Rice Syrup
Irish Moss

GF Beer #2 update

Waited longer to try GF Beer #2.  The aroma seemed to tone back as it aged.  I don't know if the aroma of the beer is bad, so much as my beer selection has been limited for so long, I think I have forgotten what a lot of real beers taste like.

I think the next time I brew this, I am going to try a hefeweizen yeast/hops, I think it would benefit from a citrus flavor and be a good summer beer.  The sorghum adds some bitterness to the finish of this beer. Not sure how to combat that.

Good ammount of carbonation, though some bottles really seemed to have a lot of head, and others not so much.  I think I am going to come up with a more standard method for cleaning bottles.  Noticed in some of the cider bottles (mostly 22ozs) that the yeast didn't completely settle in some of the bottles, which makes me wonder about the cleanliness of the bottle.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

GF Beer 2

Bottled GF Beer 2.  Didn't bother taking a hydrometer reading, since I didn't take one at the beginning.


Sweet, noticeable apricot taste, hops at finish. Doesn't taste like a traditional ale.  Not bad so far, but different.  Gonna let it rest for a month this time.

Probably going to retry the Oatmeal Pale Ale without the apricots next time...